Crude oil flow improvers and viscosity reducers | SLB

Crude oil flow improvers and viscosity reducers

Cut energy needed for artificial lift, surface boosting, processing, and pipeline distribution of crude oils

3D representation of cleaners for oil and gas assets.

Minimize viscosity to lower operational costs

Production of medium, heavy, and extraheavy crude oil can require significant investment in lift and transport processes because these fluids are highly viscous at ambient temperatures. Tight emulsions can also present extreme viscosity, leading to production and transport challenges.

We have developed a range of chemicals that reduce the viscosity of these fluids for lifting, processing, and transport, thereby reducing operational costs and improving production performance.

Our specialists add value by assessing your entire production system, identifying bottlenecks, and developing customized solutions.

Flow improvers and viscosity reducers can decrease viscosity by up to 95%, depending on the causes of the increased viscosity, type of chemistry, and production system.
