Subsea Technology | SLB

Subsea Technology

Published: 06/16/2017

Schlumberger Oilfield Services

To optimize production and recovery from the increasingly challenging reservoirs in subsea projects, the industry is developing more sophisticated subsea processing equipment and control systems with a focus on flow assurance and monitoring asset integrity. But it takes more than individual technological improvements to achieve a step change in subsea operations.

The Schlumberger integrated subsea production system, born from the OneSubsea joint venture established in 2013, employs a pore to pipeline approach to meet these challenges. By combining reservoir analysis and production assurance with advanced subsea hardware engineering, OneSubsea is successfully delivering technology solutions that are substantially improving production performance and recovery.

This robust capability comes from the joined knowledge and experience of Schlumberger and Cameron implemented through early engagement with operators during field development. This deep understanding of reservoir dynamics, asset modeling, production assurance, and subsea production and processing technologies informs a unique, innovative perspective that translates into effective performance throughout the field’s life to increase return on investment.

Complementing the integrated system framework, OneSubsea is setting new technology benchmarks, such as the development of 20,000-psi subsea systems to meet the demands of high-pressure, high-temperature reservoirs. These systems complement current HPHT offerings and leverage the Cameron Group’s substantial experience with production trees and high-pressure, large-bore blowout preventers.

In the future, one way to improve the return and cash flow of offshore developments will be to take a more phased, modular approach, as opposed to deploying monolithic full-scale developments. Another option is the development of subsea fields by using existing surface processing and production facilities, thereby reducing the time and expense required to build new infrastructure. Through OneSubsea, Schlumberger is helping operators transform their subsea developments by integrating production operations, well performance, and reservoir management around a shared dynamic asset model.

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