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We're living in a world where digital technology takes over old and traditional methods of managing well risks. The days when well barrier designs were created in programs such as Excel, Visio, and PowerPoint are disappearing, and operators depend on a more reliable time-saving approach to reduce the risk of their wells.
Engineers across all disciplines in the oil and gas industry need quicker, more effective, and safer methods to define and safeguard their well barriers. In response to the industry challenge to best manage well integrity, more engineers are creating digital well barrier plans in one common cloud-based repository—with a two-barrier philosophy as the backbone—to plan for the safety of their wells throughout the entire life cycle.
Fig. 1 Two-barrier philosophy
First of all, high quality well barrier diagrams reduce risk by giving stakeholders a clear and common understanding on how to safeguard their wells.
Operators worldwide see the value of digitizing their well barrier plans. High quality well barrier schematics reduce risk and provide greater clarity for all stakeholders, giving confidence that they are meticulously managing the safety of their wells.
In each phase of a well life cycle, from planning to plug and abandonment (P&A), well barrier illustrations enable you to:
• Visualize well barriers—making sure everyone sees the same picture.
• Communicate well barrier information consistently, clearly, and effectively
• Document the well barrier status in a place that is accessible and easy to find for those who need the information (includes definition, qualification, and monitoring).
Fig. 2 Digital well barrier schematics
Well barrier schematics in a digital form provide consistent graphics and language across the organization. When it comes to documenting well barriers, the definition, qualification and monitoring tables are automatically created, in alignment with the illustration. Engineers save time by using an intuitive software that features approximately 150 sample illustrations in one common repository.
The Wellbarrier solution and other functionalities in the Wellbarrier suite (e.g. risk assessment and completion diagrams) are easy to use, where you apply functions such as a quick "drag and drop." What would have taken hours previously can now be achieved in a matter of minutes. Today, the Wellbarrier workflows are also integrated as part of the well design process in the DrillPlan coherent well construction planning solution.
By using the technical well barrier envelopes and elements as a logical starting point and having a common digital workspace, we can provide a robust well integrity solution across all engineering disciplines.
One common digital well integrity management repository gives well discipline engineers a place to work together to visualize, communicate, and document their wells and well barrier information, with related qualifying and monitoring requirements.
The value of well integrity management is in the technical knowledge. The application of a two barrier philosophy will allow incidents to happen, without escalating into accidents. Thus, by effectively managing your well barriers, you manage your business.
Estelle Pettersen
Former marketing manager for Wellbarrier
Estelle is a communications professional who previously worked for SLB. She has worked in both the public and private sectors, including the oil and gas industry. She is an Australian living in Norway and focuses on her passion for writing, editing, and content marketing.
Trine Bakke
Trine is the global sales manager for Wellbarrier, she is currently based in Norway, she was born in Oslo but grew up in Vadso (where Norway ends). She supports customers around the world to safeguard their wells with this solution. She has been with SLB for over 15 years and has a vast experience with customers on the North Sea.