Ridged Diamond Element Bit Drills Record 870 m/d, Caspian Sea | SLB

Ridged diamond element bit drills record 870 m/d, Caspian Sea


An operator in the northern Caspian Sea combined the AxeBlade™ ridged diamond element bit and the PowerDrive Xceed™ ruggedized rotary steerable system, setting a record of meters drilled per day. The combination drilled 870 m on the horizontal section of the well at an ROP of 81.7 m/h, a 145% increase over the planned ROP.

Operator wants to boost ROP in lateral

The operator wanted to maximize ROP in the horizontal section of a well after drilling through hard layers with low ROP offshore the northern Caspian Sea.

What was tried first

Conventional bits recently drilled the section with an average ROP of 45 m/h.

Ridged diamond element bit and RSS combo proposed

AxeBlade bits have high impact durability, achieving deeper penetration and higher instantaneous ROP than conventional bits. The diamond table on the element ridge is 70% thicker than that of a conventional cutter, increasing frontal impact resistance. PowerDrive Xceed RSS provides strength and agility in challenging environments.

Operator achieves fastest lateral in field

In the first well, the combination achieved an ROP of 63.7 m/h. For the second well, the operator wanted to achieve a higher ROP. In this well, the operator drilled out the float collar of casing, completed a formation integrity test, and drilled 1,895 m in one run totaling 23.2 h. The combination drilled 870 m at an ROP of 81.7 m/h, achieving a real ROP 145% higher than the planned ROP. The bit had low wear, and the run set a record for fastest horizontal section in the field with the largest number of meters drilled per day.

AxeBlade bit meters per day
An operator in the Caspian Sea combined the AxeBlade bit with PowerDrive Xceed RSS to achieve a record ROP of 81.7 m/h.
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