Formation isolation valve local inventory ensures that client achieves schedule goals | SLB

Formation isolation valve local inventory ensures that client achieves schedule goals

North Sea, Offshore

Challenge: Protect lower completions without incurring completion delays, and meet the design requirement for a tubing barrier

Solution: Install FIV™ formation isolation valve, which was available immediately from local stock

Results: Isolated lower completions for installation on schedule and to meet regulatory requirements

Lower completion requires fast, reliable isolation

A Canadian oil and gas company operates in the upstream and downstream sectors of the industry in Canada and elsewhere. One field’s wells in the North Sea UK sector contained three packers and intermediate strings with expandable sand screens, which made isolating the lower completions during installation extremely challenging. The operator needed to isolate the completion efficiently and on schedule and to meet strict regulatory requirements regarding the completion design plan.

After encountering supply and operational problems with third-party vendors, the operator contacted SLB to discuss the availability and use of the FIV valve.

FIV valves provide needed protection

SLB had developed the FIV isolation valve technology to provide a two-way barrier for protecting costly gravel-pack and frac-pack operations from completion fluid damage. The technology is designed for use in deepwater and high-pressure, high-temperature applications, gravel-pack operations, horizontal wells, and underbalanced conditions. Thus, it met the stringent requirements for use in these North Sea wells. In addition, SLB maintained inventories of these valves at local facilities, simplifying supply on a call-out basis.

FIV valves available locally provide supply, operational, and regulatory solutions

Having speculative FIV isolation valves in stock locally and installation personnel available on short notice enabled SLB to react quickly to the operator’s request to install FIV valves. Installation time was approximately the same as that required for other types of isolation valves, but the immediate availability of the FIV valves and their successful performance helped quickly resolve its supply challenge and meet its operational goals.

FIV formation isolation valve.
FIV formation isolation valve