Surface-controlled safety valves protect reservoir and environment | SLB

Surface-controlled safety valves protect reservoir and environment

Norway, Europe, Offshore

Challenge: Meet stringent North Sea requirements and operator’s subsurface safety system rules for use in new wells

Solution: Installed tubing-mounted TRMAXX(TM) surface-controlled subsurface safety valves to allow fullbore access and maximum flow rates with the security of a field-proven emergency well shut-in system

Results: Conformed to all local and corporate requirements and achieved production rates of 10,000 bbl/d per well

Goal was to minimize impact and ensure safety

An operator’s North Sea field was experiencing declining production rates. A previously completed seismic survey of the field was reprocessed to identify potentially accessible hydrocarbons remaining in the known reservoirs. As a result, the operator updated its plans for future well workovers and new well candidates. Because the operator was keenly attentive to the environmental effects of uncontrolled hydrocarbon flow, especially in its mature North Sea field, well integrity and safety were paramount to the planning process.

Choice was TRMAXX subsurface safety valves

After a detailed review of the products and technologies available and a rigorous evaluation of the service record of SLB safety valves, the operator selected the SLB TRMAXX surface-controlled subsurface safety valves for these revenue-critical completions.

The TRMAXX valve are the latest in a line of general service products designed for reliable and cost-effective service. These compact, modular valves are designed and tested for service in applications such as those of this operator’s North Sea field. The TRMAXX valves are available with working pressure ratings to 68.95 MPa [10,000 psi] and a wide range of materials for specific applications and operating environments.

The TRMAXX series subsurface safety valve enables fullbore access and  maximum flow rates with the security of a proven emergency well shut-in system for safe, long-term operations.
The TRMAXX surface-controlled subsurface safety valve enables fullbore access and maximum flow rates with the security of a proven emergency well shut-in system for safe, long-term operations.

Successful installations were continued worldwide

During 2006, more than 30 4.5-in TRMAXX valves were run in the operator’s North Sea field wells, and no installation or operational anomalies were observed. Today these valves remain in place, performing as designed. Since 2006, the operator has drilled 16 new wells in this field, and all were completed using the TRMAXX safety valve systems. The operator continues its use of these valves in North Sea completions at a rate of approximately 25 systems per year and has begun using them in completions throughout the world.

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