Solving Stuck Pipe with WELL COMMANDER Circulating Valve | SLB

Drilling circulating valve delivers time-saving solution in offshore fishing operation

Turkmenistan, Asia, Offshore

Following a stuck pipe incident offshore Turkmenistan, a major operator retrieved the azimuthal density neutron (ADN) tool using the WELL COMMANDER™ ball-activated drilling circulating valve. This novel solution saved significant time and money.

Upon reaching a depth of 3,959.8 m while drilling a 6-in well section offshore Turkmenistan, the bottomhole assembly became stuck. Despite attempts to jar it loose, the operator was unsuccessful. As a result, it was decided to fish the ADN tool before taking further action on the pipe.

Using the WELL COMMANDER ball-activated drilling circulating valve, the operator successfully retrieved the ADN tool, saving significant time and money. The WELL COMMANDER circulating valve was selected for its proven reliability and effectiveness in previous well operations, showcasing its superiority over other tools and its ability to address concerns during stuck pipe incidents. The tool can be locked open or closed with each activation, providing instant bore access regardless of its position or activation status. This feature proved crucial in swiftly recovering the ADN tool during the stuck pipe incident. The tool can be equipped with various sizes of catchers to give further flexibility to the equipment choice.

Close-up photo of the tool bore on the WELL COMMANDER ball-activated drilling circulating valve.
The WELL COMMANDER ball-activated drilling circulating valve allows through-bore access even if it has been activated multiple times.
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