Overcome production challenges in the field or at the production facility using fit-for-purpose solutions.
A Middle East operator with extensive E&P assets in northern Iraq encountered a challenge when trying to incorporate new wells into the local production stream. The wells presented obstacles because of their high H2S concentration (4% to 14%). As a result, it was necessary to treat the effluent to obtain a crude compatible with the production facility, which required an export-ready light crude with low H2S content.
Once installed, the solution enabled production for an entire year until project completion. The express EPF produced a total 3,700 bbl/d of oil and >500 Mcf/d of gas while use of the nitrogen stripping column decreased H2S content from more than 500 ppm to ~40 ppm. The next step will be an advanced solution that adds a gas incinerator (for green completion) with the gas reinjected into the pipeline.