Increasing 2-Year Cumulative Gas Production by 29% in Argentina | SLB

Increasing 2-Year Cumulative Gas Production by 29% in Argentina

Published: 01/01/2010

Blue hero texture

Find new stimulation method

The Loma la Lata (LLL) field in Argentina has more than 300 active wells and produces 26% of the country’s total gas production. Its hydrocarbons are mainly gas and condensate and are located in the flank of an anticline in the fine- to coarse-grained sands of the Sierras Blancas formation. The reservoir has an average depth of 9,500 ft, an initial reservoir pres-sure of 4,500 psi, and a bottomhole temperature of 240 degF.

Operating here in the face of dropping production and increasing demand, YPF, S.A., want-ed to evaluate novel well stimulation methods.

Create flow channels for infinite fracture conductivity

HiWAY flow-channel hydraulic fracturing technique was chosen for this effort. To maximize formation deliverability, this fracturing technique creates stable flow channels, which remove the link between fracture flow and proppant conductivity. Flow channels extend to the tip of the fracture, meaning better fracture half-length and more fluid and polymer recovery.

For this YPF, S.A., campaign, one well was fractured with HiWAY channel fracturing, and two offsets were treated with a conventional hydraulic fracturing technique.

Graphing showing higher performance from HiWAY well compared with offsets.
Consistently higher performance from HiWAY well compared with offsets

Improve initial production and long-term gas recovery

After treatment, the conventionally stimulated wells saw average initial production rates of 6.4 to 7.6 MMcf/d, and the well stimulated with HiWAY channel fracturing had an initial production rate of 8.9 MMcf/d. This difference represents a 40% increase in gas production over conventional techniques.

After 2 years of cumulative production time, the conventionally treated wells had produced 3.5 Bcf of gas each. The HiWAY well had produced 4.5 Bcf of gas, 29% more than the offsets. These exceptional results showed the HiWAY technique to deliver not only higher initial production rates, but also sustained production gains over time.

Argentina, South America, Onshore

Challenge: For a well with declining production, increase gas production beyond yield obtained from conventional fracturing technique.

Solution: Apply HiWAY flow-channel hydraulic fracturing technique to create infinitely conductive channels that provide better fracture half-length, more fluid and polymer recovery, and less residual damage.

Results: Produced 8.9 MMcf/d of gas after treatment, 40% more than offset wells’ initial production. Increased total gas production over 2 years by 29%. 

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