Water and gas conformance service
Manage or shut off water and gas production with application-specific permeability modifiers, chemical blocks, or cements.
Published: 03/01/2011
Published: 03/01/2011
An operator in Ecuador wanted to stimulate a horizontal well with declining oil production and 95% water cut. The well, in the Napo "U" formation, is at 7,000 ft TVD and has 75 ft of open hole completed with wire-wrapped screens. Permeability ranges from 300 to 500 mD. Production had been decreasing in the well because of
Fines migration is a common problem in Ecuador. In addition, the intervals of the openhole where water had broken through were not known.
A treatment was needed to increase oil production, which had declined to 12 bbl/d, without increasing the water cut. Because it was not known where the water had broken through in the horizontal section, the treatment-design with OilMAX diverting agent helped to selectively divert the subsequent OCA LT organic clay acid treatment away from the high water cut intervals to avoid stimulating them.
The treatment was pumped through CT, as the well was completed with an ESP and a Y-tool, using a JetBLASTER jetting tool. The CT was cycled up and down the openhole section during each stage.
As the OilMAX treatment was injected into the formation, the pressure increased. This indicated that the treatment was successfully diverting the subsequent stages to the intervals where water had not broken through and were not yet stimulated. The pressure decreased each time the OCA LT stages were injected into the formation, indicating that it was removing the damage caused by fines migration.
After the treatment, oil production increased from 12 to 200 bbl/d, finally stabilizing at 140 bbl/d. Post-job production has remained stable for more than 3 months after the treatment. The indicates that the OCA LT organic clay acid was successful in removing the formation damage caused by fines migration and stabilizing remaining fines to prevent future migration. The OilMAX treatment successfully diverted the OCA LT fluid away from the high water cut sections, allowing it to successfully stimulate the oil-producing intervals.
Challenge: Stimulate an openhole horizontal lateral with high water cut. Increase oil production without increasing the water cut.
Solution: Used coiled tubing (CT) and a JetBLASTER jetting tool to pump OilMAX diversion and conformance fluid and OCA LT low-temperature organic clay acid to remove the damage and stabilize fines.
Results: Increased production tenfold, from 12 to a stabilized 140 bbl/d of oil. Reduced water cut.