Rock Analysis Enters New Era | SLB

Rock Analysis Enters New Era

Published: 04/01/2014

Concrete blue texture

Schlumberger introduces CoreFlow digital rock and fluid analytics services at its core analysis laboratory in Houston. The laboratory builds digital rock models for carbonates, sandstone and shale, and examines pores and grains at the micro- and nanometer levels, providing digital views of flow characteristics. A helical whole-core dual-energy CT scanner scans cross section slices of the rock sample until the whole core is captured. The images are then used to construct a slice-by-slice 3D movie. The heterogeneous rock analysis (HRA) coding guides the users in sample selection and also for physical analysis. The microsCT method helps create a 360-degree view of the core sample while SEM (scanning electron microscopy) provides a higher level of magnification including 2D and 3D images.

A new breakthrough technology known as direct hydrodynamic (DHD) simulation takes the volume representation of the rock and simulates flow, allowing engineers to model behavior of the fluid and answer specifics to the client’s reservoir and reservoir conditions. This can be done multiple times on the same digital rock model, representing behaviors at any distance near or far from the wellbore.

Rock Analysis Enters New Era
United States, North America
Audrey Leon
Offshore Engineer (OE)
Article Topics
Reservoir Sampling & Analysis Digital Enablement