REDA ESP System Delivers 54 Years of Flawless Performance, Wisconsin | SLB

REDA ESP System Delivers 54 Years of Flawless Performance, Wisconsin

Published: 07/25/2019

Concrete blue texture
Composite image of the REDA ESP system that delivered 54 years of flawless performance and the Schlumberger Bartlesville Product Center, where it was manufactured.
This durable ESP system was manufactured at REDA Pump Company’s Bartlesville Oklahoma engineering and manufacturing center, now known as Schlumberger’s Bartlesville Product Center (BPC), which continues to supply ESP and HPS systems for the North America land market as well as motors and other components worldwide. REDA Pump Company was an independent company until 1969; it was acquired by Schlumberger in 1998 in the CAMCO acquisition. Although features and construction materials have been upgraded over the years, and Schlumberger has opened two complimentary engineering and manufacturing centers in Singapore and Tyumen to accommodate global demand for energy produced using ESPs, the fundamental ESP design and manufacturing process remains true to the tried and trusted, highly reliable original.
United States, North America, Onshore

Wisconsin, USA

Pump specifications
1/3 hp
7 stages
60 rpm
9 galUS/min

Electrical specifications
230 V
3.5 A

Pump depth
55 ft

Installation date
August 1965

Products used
Electric submersible pump


A REDA ESP system was installed in a water well in 1965 to provide a domestic water supply to a farm used for recreational purposes. It worked reliably without any stoppages for servicing until it was finally replaced in 2019.

The pump itself was still operational when it was removed from the ground. However, while replacing a leaking check valve, the owners took the opportunity to switch out the pump—hoping that the new one will now last until 2073!
