SLB Footprint Reduction | SLB

SLB Footprint Reduction

Reduce emissions and environmental impact with practical, quantifiably proven Transition Technologies

Footprint Reduction Brand Art
Operator inspecting Ora tool

Reduce environmental footprint without compromising performance

Energy industry oil and gas sector stakeholders, investors, and global and local communities demand to see more tangible, immediate carbon footprint reductions. Choosing solutions that reduce your footprint demonstrably while driving high performance is a daunting process. Decision makers must differentiate what’s meaningful from what’s seen as "greenwash."

Whether you’re just getting started or already decarbonizing, we can help.

Transition Technologies™: Decarbonize with proven impact reductions

We’ve qualified a portfolio of Transition Technologies that measurably reduce the environmental impact of oil and gas operations. Using a scientific methodology developed by our engineers, the impacts of these technologies have proved to reduce footprint now. Our method categorizes each technology's environmental attributes and links them to universally recognized United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Our scientific quantification methodology proves the impact of our technologies.
Our methodology defines environmental attributes that correlate with relevant UN SDGs.
Our qualified technologies are supported by clear impact calculations to better inform decisions.
Show tangible impact
Reducing environmental footprint is a complex effort that we’ve meticulously road mapped to decarbonize our own operations. Our qualified technologies can make it easier. By leveraging their measurable impacts, this added transparency strengthens your sustainability efforts against the ever-growing mandate to reduce emissions.
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Reduce your footprint along eight dimensions
We partner with customers who seek ways to decarbonize operations, reduce physical environmental impact, cut waste, and use better water solutions. Our expanding capabilities focus on reductions that contribute to reversing climate change and consequently align with key energy industry drivers.

Reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from operations

Electrify infrastructure and enable access to renewable power sources

Reduce hazmat and use cleaner chemicals

Minimize waste

Reduce the amount of energy consumed during operations

Enable surveillance, assessment, and control of emissions sources

Promote good water stewardship

Reduce the physical size of projects

Dive deeper
  • UN Sustainable Development Goals icons on abstract blue-aqua background
    Environmental Impact Quantification
    Drive high performance while showing tangible footprint reduction

    Support United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) with proven impact-reducing Transition Technologies. View

  • Image of a man and a woman on the rig floor
    Decarbonize Drilling and Completions
    Build upstream oil and gas infrastructure with a lower carbon footprint

    Reduce the footprint of oil and gas operations. View

  • Production Facility image with abstract background and transition technologies arrows.
    Eliminate Methane and Flaring Emissions
    Decarbonize operations by addressing large sources of greenhouse gases

    Start with a plan, the right technologies, and a partner you can trust. View

  • SLB-style render of a sphere showing layers and a blue center
    Decarbonize Oil and Gas Production
    Leverage technologies and solutions that reduce GHG emissions per barrel produced

    Get closer to the action. View

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