Case Study Compact wellheads minimize environmental impact and save USD 500,000 per well, Kenya
Operator saved USD 500,000 per well while minimizing impact on wildlife.
API 6A split slab-style gate valve
The Cameron FLS-S gate valve features forged construction, metal-to-metal sealing, and a split gate design that enables performing a single dual-seat seal test. Depending on valve actuation methods (either manual or power actuated), the two gates are energized mechanically by applying torque or spring forces to create the initial sealing.
When performing the seal test, the two gates first are energized mechanically to create the initial sealing. Test pressure then is applied and relieved through the bonnet grease fitting located behind the stem backseat. The valve is not intended to be stroked when performing a dual-seal test at full working pressure. A true shear pin is located in the valve handwheel adapter to protect over-torque and ease pin replacement.
This split gate design is available for all FLS and FLS-R valve pressure ratings and bore sizes.