Digital Oilfield and Integrated Operations | Video | SLB

Digital Oilfield and Integrated Operations | Video

Published: 02/15/2016

Well Cementing Software Services
Digital Oilfield and Integrated Operations
Maximizing values from online data.

Today, continuous streams of online data are routinely delivered by remote pressure gauges, temperature sensors, and flowmeters, and optimized decisions are returned to remotely actuated field chokes, valves, and pumps. Learn how the oil and gas industry uses improved remote connectivity in oil and gas fields and how adopting the principles of the digital oilfield and integrated operations to implement new ways of working improves the efficiency and effectiveness of operations while supporting safety and integrity, minimizing losses (production and penalties), and maximizing production and reservoir recovery. Dr. David Rossi is a Schlumberger scientific advisor with 33 years of experience at Schlumberger in research, engineering, and headquarters positions.

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