Digital Special Core Analysis | SLB

Digital special core analysis

Published: 12/06/2023

Digital special core analysis
Digital Special Core Analysis (SCAL)
SLB uses digital special core analysis (SCAL) to take actual physical core measurements and digitally replicate them to simulate testing for multiple scenarios.

Discover a revolutionary approach to reservoir modeling with SLB digital special core analysis (SCAL). It seamlessly integrates digital rock analysis, physical rock analysis, and fluid analysis to create a dynamic 3D reservoir model. This powerful tool enables rapidly simulating flow performance under diverse production scenarios.

By combining experimental and numerical studies, petroleum engineers gain unique insights into fluid transport and petrophysical properties at the pore scale. Extending beyond routine core analysis, digital SCAL replaces lengthy laboratory core testing with digital tests that are up to 100 times faster. This gives you quick insight into individual wells and overall reservoir performance to optimize your field development.

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