Near-Field Exploration | SLB

How SLB reservoir evaluation optimizes near-field exploration

Published: 03/15/2024

Interview with Rinat Batyrshin
How SLB Reservoir Evaluation Optimizes Near-Field Exploration
One of many ways we're fast-tracking exploration to production

Today, about 80% of exploration and appraisal activity around the world focuses on near-field exploration, helping operators explore untapped reserves in their own backyards and tie back to existing infrastructure. Also known as infrastructure-led exploration, this approach enables operators to produce more with less risk, lower cost, and reduced carbon-intensity. To optimize near-field exploration SLB offers real-time evaluation solutions and accelerated, intelligent workflows for faster decision making. With high-quality measurements and timely insights, you not only can confirm commercial viability of the untapped reserves quicker but expedite your completions design and overall field development.

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