Manara System Inductive Coupler | Video | SLB

Manara System Inductive Coupler | Video

Published: 09/18/2015

Image generated by the Kinetix stimulation software suite.
Inductive Coupler
Transmit power and high-rate data across junctions

The Manara production and reservoir management system uses proprietary inductive couplers to transmit power and high-rate data across junctions, such as between the upper and lower completion or between lateral branches and the main wellbore. A single electric control line connects all the downhole monitoring and control stations to the surface. By facilitating electrical connectivity across multiple junctions, the couplers make in-lateral zonal monitoring and control possible—for the first time, even in multilaterals. In extended-reach single laterals, the inductive coupler allows the lower completion to be run in on rotating drillpipe, enabling completions to reach further into the reservoir. Later in the life of the well, upper completion workovers (e.g., replacement of an ESP or a safety valve) can be accomplished without having to pull the lower completion. The coupler can be disconnected and reconnected multiple times.

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