Intro to Agile SPS | Video | SLB

Intro to Agile SPS

Published: 04/20/2021

Illustration of subsea tree system.
Intro to Agile SPS
Enhancing subsea performance agility with constant collaboration

When’s the last time a subsea project was executed without any impactful changes from the design phase through life of field production? Never, right? Priorities change. Targets change. People change. But you still need to design, build and commission a reliable subsea production system that fits your basin requirements. What you need is agility. The agility to anticipate change and roll with it. The agility to reconfigure subsea systems to stay on schedule and eliminate waste. The agility to navigate today’s challenges without creating tomorrow’s. In short, what you need is Agile Subsea Production Systems—Agile SPS. Agile SPS transforms an inefficient linear, siloed, and static subsea oil and gas development process into an agile, continuously collaborative, and dynamic model for developing subsea energy assets. It’s the way you’ve always wanted your subsea projects to work, an open approach that considers the total asset journey from exploration to decommissioning. You select the right technology for your asset, configure it to suit your conditions, your strategies, and your priorities. As new data comes in, you update one module, rather than redesigning the whole plan, so you save time and deliver first oil faster. Then as you produce, Agile SPS helps optimize field performance to deliver the full potential of your field. It’s a new and exciting way of working together: collaborating to reduce risks and increase efficiency from prefeed through the life of your project.  Agile SPS. Subsea performance agility - without compromise.
