Pemex Interview: SLB Well Stimulation | Video | SLB

Pemex interview: SLB well stimulation

Published: 02/20/2025

Pemex Interview: SLB Well Stimulation
Tackling challenging reservoirs with advanced chemistry and digital solutions

 SLB's Nayelli Garcia, Reservoir Perfomance geounit manager, sat down with Yuri de Antuñano Muñoz, Pemex petroleum engineer, to discuss Pemex's well stimulation goals and how SLB is leveraging advanced chemistry and digitial solutions to push well stimulation performance beyond horsepower.

With the latest chemistry innovations to address challenges in high-pressure, high-temperature (HPHT) reservoirs, Pemex has seen significant improvement in productivity. Additionally, digital solutions are revolutionizing the design-execute-evaluate cycle to continually boost efficiency and stimulation efficacy. And because engineered chemistries streamline resource use, SLB can help Pemex meet its sustainability goals by using our well stimulation solutions to reduce emissions.
