RapidTieBack | Video | SLB

RapidTieBack | Video

Published: 01/01/2017

Multilateral completion systems.
TAML 3 or 4 conventional multilateral junction

The RapidTieBack TAML 3 or 4 conventional multilateral junction simplifies multistage stimulation and repeatable selective entry in multilateral wells. The proven installation procedures, fully stackable system design, and high hanging capacity make it an efficient option for maximizing reservoir contact with minimal location footprint on shore or offshore. In operation, a sealbore connection isolates the selected lateral, enabling efficient plug-and-perf deployment in each lateral in a single trip. Simple and cost-effective, the RapidTieBack multilateral junction provides a solution that is compatible with many completion options, including cemented or uncemented laterals, plug-and-perf systems, and hydraulic multistage fracturing. It has high hanging capacity for long intervals, has no welded components, and is fully stackable.

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