Published: 12/15/2022
Published: 12/15/2022
Carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS) projects are key to achieving global net zero and rising temperature targets by 2050
The SLB Asset Consulting Services (ACS) team has conducted CCUS studies across the globe, supporting customers to plan and design optimal CCUS projects, with reduced risks and uncertainty in the storage element.
In this Living Digital webinar, we will demonstrate our unique technologies for screening, selection, and evaluation of CO2 storage sites, while sharing case studies that show how we minimized risks and optimized project planning decisions.
Presenters: Ahmed Sabry, central operations manager, Global Asset Consulting Oilfield - AE01 GDHQ ACS OPS O, Amir Nasiri, senior CCS/reservoir engineer, asset consulting central operations team, SLB, UAE, Slobodan Stojic, principal geologist and geomodeler, asset consulting central operations tam, SLB, UK and Aron Hallquist, technical marketing manager - production oilfield - D&I HQ GB01 former MKT.