WellWatcher Stim | Video | SLB

WellWatcher Stim | Video

Published: 04/27/2018

Stimulation optimization enabled by the WellWatcher Stim stimulation monitoring service.
WellWatcher Stim
Stimulation monitoring service

During stimulation treatments, surface and downhole equipment collects a wide array of data that engineers analyze to determine what is happening downhole. For example, a drop in surface pressure may indicate a plug or ball failure that resulted in fluids entering prior zones while leaving the intended zone untreated. But what surface pressure changes only slightly—or not at all? Does that always mean the plug or ball has successfully isolated the prior zones so that our fluids reached the targeted interval? WellWatcher Stim stimulation monitoring service acquires and interprets high-frequency pressure signals to improve accuracy when analyzing downhole events. For example, when the pressure response is ambiguous, this service can identify plug isolation failure, enabling the operator to reseal and retreat the stage to ensure stimulation efficiency. WellWatcher Stim service also verifies the efficiency of diverters placed in the well to ensure thorough stimulation of a long interval. The service can also confirm the status of a sleeve—open or closed—in a multistage stimulation completion. Finally, using the WellWatcher Stim service to monitor high-frequency pressures in nearby wells can identify frac hits that may adversely affect production. Ensure your completion strategy is executed the way it was engineered.

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