Digital platform
Unite planning and operations in a multidimensional environment.
Proven dynamic modeling for primary well control to maintain wellbore pressures within the operating window for all drilling operations
The combination of accurate modeling, graphical presentation of results, and sensitivity studies—as well as the ability to simulate—is of special importance when design margins decrease.
A realistic dynamic model is required to understand the transient behaviour of the well and is valuable for well planning, training, and operational support. It is well known that in advanced wells (e.g., HPHT wells, deep water wells, extended reach wells, wells in depleted reservoirs, and wells in areas with gas or water injection), the margins between pore pressure and fracture pressure may be small. In the future, the drilling targets will be even more difficult.
The dynamic hydraulics module in Drillbench software can be used to simplify this planning process and help the drilling engineer make better decisions.
Drillbench training courses address the unique need of each learner, our courses, delivered by world-class experts, teach learners how to deal with real-life scenarios and solve genuine problems.