Lumi data and AI resources | SLB

Lumi data and AI resources

Artificial Intelligence
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Bridging Silos

How the Lumi™ data and AI platform integrates planning and operations

Onboarding to OSDU

How SLB connectors help to accelerate the OSDU adoption journey

Soumil Shah
Using Generative AI to Improve Well Integrity Management

Providing a structured framework to proactively manage well integrity.

Lee Ming Xiang
Vectorizing domain data to help large language models talk the language of energy

In the realm of applying large language models (LLMs) to domain-specific questions, the challenge of knowledge cutoff looms prominently.

Patricia Cejas Manceron
Accelerating business value with Generative AI in INNOVATION FACTORI

The latest breakthroughs in Generative AI present us with previously unimaginable ways to tackle the complex challenges of today's world.

Headshot of Shashi Menon, SLB's VP of Digital Technology
Unlocking the potential of AI for the energy industry

SLB's VP of Digital Technology Shashi Menon explains how we're operationalizing AI at scale today while paving the way for new AI capabilities tomorrow.

Embracing and integrating the advantages of today’s robotic revolution

Robotics promises to revolutionize how we operationalize safety, productivity, and data—going as far as enabling the coveted state of remote ops.

3 ways AI advances health, safety, and sustainability in the energy industry

Artificial intelligence is starting to show the energy industry what it can do for our people, the planet, and the evolution of our businesses.

Yves-Marie Subervie
Seven essential elements of production domain analytics success

When domain knowledge combines with data science, they reach a whole new level that each discipline simply couldn’t reach individually.

Garud Bindiganavale Sridhar
Automated coffee makers, self-driving cars, and the future of production operations

The impact of digital technology on our daily lives cannot be overstated.

Yves-Marie Subervie
Building and Managing High-Performing AI Teams in the Energy Industry: Lessons from the Embedded AI Lab

To succeed in the competitive world of AI and machine learning (ML), it's crucial to attract and retain top talent.
