Petrel Surface Imaging
Display scanned maps, attribute maps, seismic time slices, and satellite images, draped over surfaces
Build accurate facies models
Petrel™ facies modeling is used to populate geocellular grids with discrete property values for geological characterization of the reservoir. It enables both simple and complex workflows—such as seismic-driven modeling in which probabilities can be used in several different ways to help create a realistic representation of the depositional facies or lithologies.
High-resolution well log data and point attribute data can be upscaled into the geocellular grids. Properties are distributed into the remaining 3D grid volume by using a variety of algorithms. Structural grids can model “depositional” properties more accurately using the depospace concept.
NExT offers a comprehensive training program to support users of the SLB software, plugins, and other software products.
Analyze any data from all angles
Analyze petroleum systems from basin to prospect scale.
Build accurate facies models
Create geologically consistent fracture models
Advanced presentation quality mapping.
Build accurate petrophysical models
Achieving production objectives with full stochastic evaluation of exploration portfolios
Analysis of fault sealing capabilities and mapping QC tools
Display, organize, and interpret any type of well data in a flexible 2D environment