视频 Mapping
Produce high-quality maps for printing, PDFs, or images for reports, and reproject data in any coordinate reference system.
Advanced presentation quality mapping
Petrel™ mapping module by Petrosys extends existing Petrel subsurface software mapping capabilities, enabling the editing and creation of high quality maps.
The Petrosys mapping window in Petrel produces high quality mapping output for printing, PDFs, or images for reports, and re-projection of 2D surfaces, 3D grid horizons, and seismic interpretation in any coordinate reference system.
NExT offers a comprehensive training program to support users of the SLB software, plugins, and other software products.
Analyze any data from all angles
Analyze petroleum systems from basin to prospect scale.
Build accurate facies models
Create geologically consistent fracture models
Advanced presentation quality mapping.
Build accurate petrophysical models
Achieving production objectives with full stochastic evaluation of exploration portfolios
Analysis of fault sealing capabilities and mapping QC tools
Display, organize, and interpret any type of well data in a flexible 2D environment