Petrel facies modeling
Build accurate facies models
Advanced train estimation tools and trend modeling
Petrel™ classification and estimation enables the use of neural networks and train estimation models to help estimate properties or probabilities.
By combining several different data objects or attributes, the module increases interpretation confidence and accuracy during reservoir modeling by ensuring integration of all available data, regardless of the domain.
NExT offers a comprehensive training program to support users of the SLB software, plugins, and other software products.
Advanced train estimation tools and trend modeling.
Accurate velocity modeling and domain conversion
Integrate Omega platform data and extend workflows for a unified, reliable earth model
Integrated processing and modeling capabilities for magnetotelluric, controlled-source electromagnetic, and gravity and magnetic methodologies
Create advanced seismic attributes to condition seismic data for better structural and stratigraphic interpretation tasks as well as enable powerful 3D volume interpretation workflows.
Prestack seismic visualization, interpretation, and processing
Accurate and comprehensive quantitative interpretation
Modeling and inversion tools for advanced, efficient reservoir characterization
Spectral analysis, filtering, bandwidth extension, and amplitude gain for faster QC and image enhancement in the Petrel platform
A responsive and flexible environment for 3D and 2D interpretation
Resample seismic volumes and geobodies as properties into 3D grids
Seismic survey design and analysis
A fast, intuitive, and accurate approach to volume interpretation
Comprehensive and robust seismic well tie
Analysis of fault sealing capabilities and mapping QC tools
Fast, accurate structural interpretation workflow that reduces interpretation uncertainty and delivers a confident, validated structural framework of the subsurface
Display scanned maps, attribute maps, seismic time slices, and satellite images, draped over surfaces