Petrel production analytics | SLB

Petrel production analytics

Production performance monitoring, analysis, and data integration into geology and reservoir engineering


As the ratio of wells to engineers increases, and the need to maintain production rates persists, production engineers are even more challenged to efficiently monitor, analyze, and communicate production effects to engineering operations. In this, there is a need for an easy, efficient, and translatable connection point between production, reservoir, and geologic engineering.

Harmonization across domains

Petrel™ subsurface software integrates these often separated worlds, using production analytics workflows to provide clear harmonization across different domains.

Petrel offers several production analytics workflows and toolsets that connect to production databases, visualize the production in varied plots and 3D windows, and supplement reservoir engineering workflows such as nodal analysis, inflow performance, and vertical flow performance tables.

Investigate flow regimes

Rate-transient analysis in Petrek provides production and reservoir engineers the ability to understand flow and pressure impacts near to the reservoir. A clear and easy-to-use interactive canvas is readily available to give engineers the tools needed to investigate different flow regimes in a variety of scenarios.

Identify productivity problems

Petrel subsurface software provides a streamlined production analytics workflow for the interpretation of rate and pressure data to yield key reservoir and well parameters using quick semi-analytical simulation and industry standard interpretation tools. This enables engineers can identify productivity problems and efficiently perform production management at early stages.

The production analytics tools can also be used to quickly evaluate production performance, interpret production data, and optimize production, stimulation and completion operations.

  • Rate-transient is used to intuitively evaluate well performance, flow regimes, and other reservoir-derived impacts affecting production variability.
  • Analytical simulation provides quick simulation of different development and production scenarios which compliments more in-depth simulation workflows.
Petrel Production analytics
Inflow and outflow curves visualized to highlight different operational concerns to better understand pressure loss, lift, and reservoir deliverability.
  • Production analytics workflows and toolsets
  • Nodal analysis
  • Inflow performance
  • Vertical flow performance tables
  • Rate-transient analysis
A group sitting in an auditorium watching a presenter speak on a characterization model image

NExT Petrel training courses

NExT offers a comprehensive training program to support users of the SLB software, plugins, and other software products.

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