Graphical parameter selection
Multiwell control of petrophysical parameters can be achieved by setting defaults for well, dataset, and zone combinations. With graphical and tabular, multiwell and multizone parameter management, users have control at all times. Plots are dynamically linked to parameter tables, allowing graphical selection of equation parameter values. Using the cascade function, parameter values can be edited and effects monitored on subsequent results.
Petrophysical computations
A comprehensive list of petrophysical computations (lithology, porosity, saturation, productivity, etc.) is available in the Quanti module. Parameter defaults can be defined at project, well, and zone levels and hierarchical parameter management facilitates scenario comparison. Users may insert scripts into the Quanti workflows for instant multiwell, multizone applications. Monte Carlo uncertainty modeling can also be performed.
Workflow design
Quanti workflows enable users to:
Apply cutoffs to determine reservoir and pay quality rock.
- Calculate sums and averages over discriminated intervals.
- Create report quality tables by zone or by layer.
Investigate sensitivities to the choice of cutoffs and uncertainties in results.