Well Stimulation, Hydraulic Fracturing, Flowback & Acidizing | SLB


Increase well productivity with fracturing, acidizing, and water control treatments

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Unlock the potential of your reservoir

Restore or enhance your well’s productivity with hydraulic fracturing, matrix stimulation, and water treatments engineered for your reservoir and formation. From conventional frac jobs in multistage wells to carefully targeted treatments in complex carbonate formations, you can trust Schlumberger to design and deliver effective, efficient reservoir stimulation and water management services.

Find efficiency in automation and digital delivery

Whether you are working in conventional or unconventional reservoirs in sand, carbonates, or shale; designing an initial stimulation; or restimulating a mature well, our experts can help you choose the fluids and equipment to maximize recovery. On land or in deep water, you'll find efficient, automated equipment and systems that deliver data for continuous improvement in your digital oilfield platform.

Schlumberger worker looking at the rigsite during night operations.

Maximize production from tight sands and ultralow-permeability shale reservoirs with effective fracturing services that help you connect your wellbore to more reservoir rock.

Model and monitor your stimulation and completion designs to maximize production performance and efficiency.

Improve stimulation efficiency with reliable, state-of-the-art multistage stimulation equipment, offshore stimulation vessels, and fluid delivery and flowback systems.

Enhance well production from carbonate wells with efficient acid fracturing or matrix stimulation operations that extend reservoir contact, even in deep, hot wells.

Minimize water-related costs and extend your wells’ producing lifetime by controlling unwanted water and gas production.
