Dry Friction Reducer
High fracturing performance
Improve slickwater fracturing in unconventional wells with high efficiency and improved logistics and HSE footprint.
Automated blender and hydration unit
The StimCommander Process Trailer automated blender and hydration unit is a dual-function trailer that is both a hydration unit that mixes dry polymer powder (such as guar) with water to form an aqueous gel and a programmable optimal density blender that blends and pumps up to 120 bbl/min [19.2 m3/min] of fracturing slurry or up to 60 bbl/min [9.6 m3/min] with full redundancy. This dual-function trailer reduces footprint by eliminating the need for additional equipment on location. The unit’s computers precisely control the solid-to-liquid ratio of proppant and powder, and the liquid-to-liquid ratio of liquid additives at design values in either ramp or stair-step mode. The system runs in a fully automated mode with set points received from the command and control cabin software.