RemedySlot Erosion-Resistant Thru-Tubing Sand Screen | SLB


Erosion-resistant thru-tubing sand screen

Magnified view of one of the boronized INCONEL disc filters on a RemedySlot screen.

Extend the lives of wells suffering from sand production

RemedySlot™ erosion-resistant thru-tubing sand screens are customizable to your well’s requirements.

The standard configuration incorporates erosion-resistant disc filters that are flush mounted and threaded into the basepipe. This configuration offers high erosion resistance with an optimized OD/ID ratio to reduce limitations to well access without compromising drawdown.

Optionally, RemedySlot screens can be supplied with a conventional direct wire wrap (DWW) to enhance filtering capability. The DWW acts as an initial filtering layer, while the erosion-resistant disc filters prevent hot spots forming on the DWW. The disc filters stop formation sand if the conventional DWW filter is breached, making these screens dual-filter sand screens. In the event of a DWW breach, a natural sandpack forms between the DWW and the disc filter, greatly reducing the potential for sand production.

RemedySlot screen with a magnified view of one of the erosion-resistant disc filters on the basepipe.
RemedySlot screens feature erosion-resistant disc filters; disc quantities and slot openings are customizable to meet well productivity requirements.
  • Remedial sand control for thru-tubing applications
  • Small-ID (slimhole, thru-tubing) completions where gravel packing is not feasible
  • Cased and perforated completions with high perforation velocities

RemedySlot sand screens promote bridging and sand retention similar to direct-wire-wrapped screens. The boronized INCONEL® filters improve erosion resistance compared with metal filters, extending the sand-free production life of wells. These filters allow increased drawdown, which boosts production. Additionally, they can eliminate the need for carbon-intensive workovers to remediate sand control completions.

  • Erosion-resistant boronized INCONEL disc filters
  • Customizable number of discs to meet well productivity requirements
  • 5,000-psi [34.5-MPa] collapse pressure
  • Erosion tested for flows up to 250 ft/s [76 m/s]

RemedySlot is a mark of SLB.
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