案例分享 Rapid Production Response Prevents Production Loss for Offshore Operator
Preconditioning poststimulation flowback fluids prevents pipeline blockage and avoids production loss.
Rapid production response solutions
Production ExPRESS rapid production response solutions help you overcome temporary production challenges either in the field or at the production facility. No matter your challenge, Production ExPRESS solutions are fit to your objectives—whether you need an "express" early production facility (EPF), surface pressure boosting, fluid preconditioning, debottlenecking, or pipeline or facility commissioning and maintenance. This portfolio of solutions leverages Schlumberger's extensive domain expertise and surface well test equipment to quickly bring your production forward and avoid shutdowns. By using existing yet customizable and compact equipment, Production ExPRESS solutions reduce capex while ensuring cash flow and continuous well deliverability—even in remote locations.
Our “express” EPF solution enables you to start up production faster than a conventional EPF and can be deployed while a dedicated facility is being built for early cash flow. This mobile, efficient solution enables you to acquire additional reservoir information while fast-tracking hydrocarbon production, with effluents (basic sediment and water, H2S, salt, oil in water, and other impurities) meeting specified criteria. We facilitate early recovery by
We can design a fit-for-purpose production-boosting solution to revitalize mature wells quickly and cost efficiently. The solution enables you to overcome pressure challenges associated with well depletion, production systems limitations, and high line backpressure—improving your production performance.
Our standard surface well test equipment includes multiphase pumps with high gas volume fraction (GVF) to enable well unloading and production boosting in such way that the single- or multiphase effluent can be pumped into the production line.
By combining advanced surface well test equipment, customization, and domain expertise, we create a more sustainable, fit-for-purpose fluid preconditioning solution to ensure fluid meets the plant’s acceptance criteria. Produced fluids are efficiently collected, separated, and treated—generating earlier returns and saving significant opex.
Our debottlenecking solution enables you to increase plant capacity, so you can keep your operations running. We examine the overall operating conditions of your facility by comparing current operating parameters and system settings with the design specifications of process equipment. Our services include changing system parameters, advanced engineering, water separation from hydrocarbons, and additional production trains.
We enable you to perform more reliable and efficient fluid management tasks associated with pipeline interventions, such as receiving pipeline fluid, diverting fluid as needed, and safely disposing returns. This can also be applied during pipeline decommissioning stages.
Large volumes of single- or multiphase hydrocarbons with varying properties and fluids such as CO2, N2, or fuel can be present in the line during pipeline commissioning or maintenance. With our solution, you can better manage these fluids.
We seamlessly integrate our surface well test equipment with existing production facilities to improve performance, or even commission a new facility. The equipment is designed for transportability, connectability, operability, and availability to maintain or increase production, enabling commissioning or maintenance work to continue as planned to avoid delays. During maintenance, our solution enables you to check, inspect, test, and troubleshoot processes to ensure all systems of the plant work per operational requirements.
Check out these case studies and tech reports to learn how our portfolio of Production ExPRESS solutions is helping operators overcome production challenges.
Read the LatestAll Production ExPRESS solutions have zero-flaring well test and cleanup capabilities to decarbonize your operations. Zero-flaring well test and cleanup is part of our Transition Technologies portfolio and eliminates the emissions that are normally related to flaring. This emission-reducing solution enables flare-free well testing and cleanup operations with an integrated approach using fit-for-purpose technologies and techniques.
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