Webinar CN All the Right Tools: A Multidisciplinary Approach to Subsurface E&P Success
Advanced solutions help in imaging the geological structure, identifying structural plays, and assessing the prospectivity.
Recently acquired 3D seismic data
This survey extends our successful West Loppa and Ice Bear 1 multiclient surveys northward and westward over open acreage.
The survey was designed after carefully mapping existing data, which indicated similar play types and petroleum systems to those found in the greater Bjørnøya Basin area:
The survey covers an area designed to image these plays and terraces as well as Bjornoya and Leirdjupetbounding fault complexes to the east and faults to the west of the Bjornoya Basin, from south-eastern part of Stappen High in the west to the West Loppa terraces and the western part of Bjarmeland platform in the east.
Particularly interesting is the search for more Cretaceous submarine fans and stratigraphic plays as seen in the 2011 Ice Bear 3D survey and adjacent 2D data, as well as tracking and mapping the extension of the Jurassic and Triassic tilted fault blocks that are similar to the recently discovered Skrugard and Havis structures farther south.
The first dataset processed presented outstanding illumination of the subsurface structure and is available for E&P companies interested in the Ice Bear area.