Gaussian Packet Migration | SLB

Gaussian Packet Migration

High-resolution and high-frequency solutions

WesternGeco texture hero

Our Gaussian packet migration (GPM) with full image-gather output offers a new migration approach in terms of speed, frequency content, and underlying algorithm. GPM is capable of creating high-resolution steep-dip images in complex environments or high-frequency images for post-salt targets where stratigraphic resolution is key. In addition, GPM can handle all forms of WAZ, NAZ, or FAZ acquisition and ISO, VTI, and TTI data.


  • Accurately solves acoustic wave equation
  • Handles amplitudes and wavefront curvature through dynamic ray tracing
  • Honors multipathing wave propagation
  • Is localized in space and time
  • Enables real-time prestack depth migration
  • Outputs gathers
Gaussian Packet Migration using a TTI model.
Gaussian packet migration using a tilted transverse isotropy model. (Data courtesy of BP)