Slim Multielement Cement and Corrosion Tool | SLB

Slim multielement cement and corrosion tool

Pulse-echo ultrasonic casing evaluation service

3D illustration of the slim ultrasonic multielement tool.

Innovative slimhole measurement tool for cement and corrosion analysis—no rig required

The slim multielement cement and corrosion tool provides pulse-echo ultrasonic measurement services for slimhole wells onshore, offshore, and in unconventional environments—without the need for a rig. Run on monocable, the tool delivers inner- and outer-pipe corrosion and cement bond answers—including top of cement (TOC), cement thickness, and casing integrity—while minimizing rig-up length, reducing rig time, and lowering operational footprint.

  • TOC identification
  • Cement evaluation
  • Casing thickness analyses
  • Liner overlap cementing
  • Drill-wear and burst pressure evaluation
  • Corrosion, damage, channel, and defect identification
  • Hydraulic isolation access
  • Ultrasonic memory-logging capability
  • Efficient integration with SLB and third-party production services
  • Flexible placement in any part of the string
3D illustration of the slim ultrasonic multielement tool.
The slim multielement cement and corrosion tool with phased array technology provides high-resolution imaging in slimhole wells.

Featuring a fully circumferential phased array, the slim multielement cement and corrosion tool ensures complete azimuthal coverage without any physical tool rotation.

It can be placed in any part of the string and can be combined with other SLB or third-party production services to meet operational requirements.
