案例分享 Thru-Bit Logging Enables Crucial Data Acquisition for PEMEX
Thru-bit logging enables crucial data acquisition for comprehensive reservoir characterization for PEMEX.
Automated subsurface feature extraction
The 3D far-field sonic service leverages data from Sonic Scanner™ acoustic scanning platform or ThruBit Dipole™ through-the-bit acoustic service to extend sonic imaging far beyond the reach of standard sonic logging. Advanced dipole sonic solutions provide true dip and azimuth by accurately measuring elastic properties axially, radially, and azimuthally to support geomechanical, geophysical, fracture, and petrophysical modeling.
Conventional logging speed10×
Faster processing and analysis3D
Deliverables plus 2D along-wellbore imageEnhanced telemetry acquires 3D far-field and standard sonic data at up to 3× the speed of conventional sonic logging. This provides an efficient opportunity to look at far-field reservoir imaging. Using this rich dataset, the new automated workflow rapidly delivers consistent, precise quantitative results up to 10× faster than conventional processing and analysis—bringing new insights and improved reservoir understanding.
The 3D far-field sonic service integrates results from borehole imaging logs to trace features from the near- to far-field reservoir. This seamless combination validates the near-wellbore structural environment while providing continuity for features that intersect the wellbore—as well as identifying and accurately placing those that don’t and would be otherwise undetected.
Intelligent capabilities automate manual tasks to efficiently and accurately determine connectivity for open fractures and identify subseismic structural features and formation layers, tracing them from the borehole wall through the near-field and far-field reservoir.
Advance fractured reservoir modeling. Conduct comprehensive structural analyses. Get the critical answers you need—all while saving time and mitigating environmental impact. Redefine what’s possible with connected, intelligent system-level optimization.