UltraDril Plus
Premium-performance aqueous drilling fluid system
Balanced fluids for performance, economics, and sustainability in challenging drilling environments
Premium-performance shale encapsulator
An integral part of the UltraDril Plus™ premium-performance aqueous drilling fluid system (AFS), UltraSorb Plus™ premium-performance shale encapsulator is a low molecular weight, dry acrylic acid copolymer that provides excellent cuttings encapsulation and clay dispersion inhibition. This versatile system is effective across a range of base brines, including seawater, saturated NaCl, and KCl. The encapsulation capabilities of UltraSorb Plus shale encapsulator achieve optimum performance in highly inhibitive water-based drilling fluids, such as the UltraDril™ high-performance water-based drilling fluid system and HydraGlyde™ high-performance water-based drilling fluid system.
In both onshore and offshore environments, UltraSorb Plus shale encapsulator provides excellent cuttings encapsulation by adsorbing onto the clay surfaces and forming a protective film that prevents cuttings from sticking to each other or to the shaker screens. It limits dilution rates and low-gravity solids loading by preventing clay solids from dispersing into the mud system.