案例分享 Extreme-Life Shaker Screens Lasted 4.65 Times Longer Than Conventional Screens
New shaker screens enable an onshore Mexico operator to reduce screen costs by 23% and screen disposal by 77%.
Exclusive line for M-I SWACO and third-party shale shakers
With more than 30 years' experience in solids control and drilling waste management, M-I SWACO introduced its patented composite frame technology to the industry.
The patented DURAFLO composite screens were developed by United Wire and M-I SWACO as an alternative to metal-framed shale shaker screens being offered as an industry standard.
Alternatively, M-I SWACO metal- and plastic-backed screens were designed with the same exceptional commitment to quality and API compliance. You can customize your operations without compromising quality using our diverse portfolio of premium and commodity screens.