High-capacity shaker
Increase solids- and fluid-handling capacity by 35% and fluid recovery by 40%.
Customize your operations without compromising quality
The M-I SWACO portfolio includes both commodity pretensioned metal-back and plastic-back hookstrip screens.
Our lightweight, repairable hookstrip metal-back screens include replacements for the Derrick FLC 500, featuring one to three layers of mesh with a metal grid and hook strips. Our pretensioned metal-back offerings include M-I SWACO, Brandt (Cobra, King Cobra, LCM3D, D285P/380P), Fluid Systems (Black Thunder, 29x42), Kemtron (KPT 28), and Vortex Fluid Systems (Orbital), featuring one to three layers of repairable, tensioned mesh bonded directly to a metal grid and rigid frame, eliminating the “horse-shoe” effect.
Our lightweight, repairable hookstrip plastic-back offerings include M-I SWACO (ALS, BEM-3), Brandt (LCM 2D, LM3, 4X5), Derrick (FLC 300, FLC 2000), Kemtron (KDX), Triton (Triton), and Vortex Fluid Systems (Orbital), featuring one to three layers of mesh with a plastic grid and hook strips.