Cement Cleanout Blocks
Rhino system complement
Clear cement from casing when drilling out the shoe track.
Rhino integrated borehole enlargement system
Actuating the Rhino™ full-cycle hydraulic underreamer involves pumping an activation ball downhole, which shears the sleeve and exposes the fluid ports. The reamer’s unique design positions moving parts farther from critical flow ports.
Drilling fluid flows through the fluid ports, opening the cutter blocks. The hole is then drilled and enlarged. The tool has three ports, facilitating cuttings removal. Once drilling and underreaming is performed, the cycle is completed by pumping another ball down. The deactivation pins shear, releasing the sleeve and ball to the catcher, and closing fluid ports to the cutter blocks.
Circulating fluid can then be pumped at maximum flow rates for optimal hole cleaning at TD without activating the cutter blocks. Multiple bottom-up cycles can be pumped as required. When the tool is inside the casing, additional cycles can be pumped without risk of damaging the casing. The deactivated tool trips out without generating new cuttings.
High-quality hole enlargement in demanding applications
Dual ball-drop activation and deactivation for effective hole cleaning
From the AxeBlock™ torque-reducing ridged diamond element cutter block to stabilizer blocks, our industry-leading family of cutter blocks combine the best cutters with a dynamically stable design for the best performance in a variety of formations—all in a variety of BHA configurations.
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