FlairFlex Advanced Real-Time Fluid Logging and Analysis Service | SLB


Advanced real-time fluid logging and analysis service

FlairFlex advanced real-time fluid logging and analysis service.

While-drilling surface formation evaluation method for early detection and quantification of hydrocarbons

FlairFlex™ advanced real-time fluid logging and analysis service performs at-surface formation evaluation and reservoir characterization in all well and reservoir types while drilling. This unique mud gas service combines virtually maintenance-free gas extractors and advanced field gas chromatography–mass spectroscopy (GCMS) to provide highly reliable measurements for predicting the gas/oil ratio (GOR).

As opposed to using limited data from conventional sources, FlairFlex service enables better infrastructure planning and provides you with information you can use for exploration and appraisal investment decisions before downhole sampling or well testing is even possible. The continuous fluid logs provided by FlairFlex service also streamline and optimize wireline sampling operations.

Additionally, FlairFlex service assesses interwell and intrawell reservoir fluid characterization and connectivity while drilling and improves geosteering decisions for more precise well placement. In unconventional plays, FlairFlex service is the only information source for the fluid type and composition before production starts.

  • Provides fluid characterization in extended reach drilling environments
  • Enables safer drilling in H2 zones and gas caps
  • Handles uncertainties in mature fields
  • Addresses complex reservoir features
 The core of the service is the fluid extractor that samples hydrocarbons transported to the surface.
FlairFlex service integrates two fluid extraction units–one at the inbound drilling fluid line and the other at the outbound line.
  • Provides crucial information before downhole sampling or well testing is possible
  • Optimizes formation testing, sampling, and downhole fluid analysis
  • Characterizes reservoir fluid independently of drilling fluid, wellbore geometry, temperature, and pressure
  • Provides zero-operational-risk formation evaluation
  • Reduces rig time and cost
FlairFlex advanced real-time fluid logging and analysis service.
Hydrocarbons are extracted from both the out and the in lines and subsequently analyzed and quantified with gas chromatography–mass spectroscopy.
Advanced real-time fluid logging and analysis service
FlairFlex + SpectraSphere services benefits infographic
FlairFlex + SpectraSphere services benefits infographic

Intelligent Workflow for reservoir fluid characterization

SLB has deployed a combination of FlairFlex™ advanced real-time fluid logging and analysis service and SpectraSphere™ fluid mapping-while-drilling service to achieve reservoir fluid characterization.

FlairFlex service enables direct surface readings from C1-C5, while SpectraSphere service characterizes fluid from subsurface sampling points or mud during drilling. For advanced fluid characterization—including gas/oil ratio and composition—the SpectraSphere service requires cleaning up to reduce mud filtrate contamination. In contrast, the FlairFlex service analyzes live reservoir hydrocarbons extracted from the mud, even in small quantities.

The combined services provided unique insights: the FlairFlex service offers hydraulic unit distribution during drilling, and the SpectraSphere service confirms pressure regimes and producibility. Combining the technologies enables accurate fluid characterization, reduced wellbore integrity risk from reduced sampling times, minimized rig time, and maximized pumpout volume. This dual approach enhances sampling assurance and widens the range of applicable well types.

Get downhole data at surface

By extracting hydrocarbons from drilling fluid returns at surface, the FlairFlex service provides fluid characterization and early insight into C1–C6 reservoir fluid composition before downhole sampling or well testing is possible. This unique wellsite service provides vital information regardless of logging conditions and does so with zero additional operational risk.

Make informed investment decisions

In exploration and appraisal campaigns, investment decisions often must be made with limited data. The FlairFlex service provides the first available formation evaluation information to improve crucial infrastructure planning and improves accuracy of hydrocarbon data.

Continuously log fluid data

FlairFlex service continuously logs fluid data, which derisks and improves downhole sampling decisions. Integrating data from the FlairFlex service with data from other formation evaluation techniques provides a more robust and accurate picture of hydrocarbon in the formation.
