视频 STiCS Stab-In Connection System
Saves hours of rig time and reduces hazardous work above water.
Stab-in connection system
STiCS stab-in connection systems provide a safer and quicker method of connecting heavy choke and kill hoses to the riser slip joint, saving hours of rig time and reducing hazardous work above water. You remotely stab and make up all riser hose connections, then store and hide the hydraulic handling arms and actuators. Corrosion-resistant gooseneck connections remain locked onto the riser with a fail-safe mechanism.
For easy maintenance access, disconnection is done in the reverse order by parking the hose and gooseneck assemblies at the side of the moon pool. Handling arms are mounted on the BOP trolley or moon pool structure. STiCS systems can be used with both inline and wireline tensioners. The termination receptacles may be welded or clamped onto any telescopic joint.