EcoShield | SLB


Low-carbon geopolymer cement-free system

Transition Technologies™ solution

Aligns with United Nations Sustainable Development Goals 12 and 13

  • Emissions reduction: Proven to eliminate up to 85% of embodied CO2 emissions compared with conventional well cementing systems


  • Onshore cementing operations
  • Offshore cementing operations


  • Delivers industry-standard wellbore zonal isolation capabilities while minimizing environmental impact
  • Drives down Scope 3 carbon dioxide emissions by using geopolymers composed with locally sourced natural materials and industrial waste streams
  • Provides an alternative to conventional well cementing systems, which include manufactured portland cement, helping to ensure business continuity in cement supply-constrained markets and avoid nonproductive time


  • Geopolymers are made from aluminosilicate, a more robust and durable material considered a more sustainable alternative to portland cement
  • System fits within standard oilfield cementing workflows without major changes needed to the design process, onsite execution, or postjob evaluation
  • Cement-free formula is customizable to meet specific well properties, offering readily tunable slurries and set properties
  • Compatibility with other wellbore fluids, including spacers and drilling fluids, is ensured
  • Conventional logging tools can be used to evaluate the performance of the set geopolymer downhole

Well construction includes hard-to-abate emissions, notably from well cementing operations. Reducing these emissions is a priority because cement is used in nearly every well drilled today, with an impact of approximately one metric ton of carbon emissions per metric ton of cement used. The EcoShield™ low-carbon geopolymer cement-free system addresses the environmental impact of well construction, eliminating up to 85% of embodied CO2 emissions compared with conventional well cementing systems.

How it improves performance

Our EcoShield low-carbon system provides a more sustainable alternative to portland cement while delivering comparable performance and long-term zonal isolation.

How it works

The EcoShield low-carbon system matches the rheology, thickening time, and compressive strength properties of conventional portland cement-based systems. The system fits within standard oilfield cementing workflows without major changes to the design process, onsite execution, or postjob evaluation.

The content of this publication has not been approved by the United Nations and does not reflect the views of the United Nations or its officials or Member States. For more information, visit the UN Sustainability Goals website.
