Losseal Reservoir Fracture
Lost circulation control treatment
Maintain stability over a broad bottomhole temperature range.
Lost circulation control treatment
Losseal Max HT™ lost circulation control treatment mitigates severe to total losses by sealing fractures up to 0.4 in [10 mm] in a high-temperature environment. The Losseal Max HT treatment solids and fibers are delivered in a reservoir-friendly pill designed for easy mixing and preparation to reduce downtime at the wellsite.
Temperature stability up to 350 degF [177 degC]
Easily mixable up to 14.0 lbm/galUS [1.68 sg]
Seals fractures up to 0.4 in [10 mm]
Losseal Max HT lost circulation control treatment is developed for high-temperature sections with moderate, severe, or total circulation losses. An engineered combination of fibers creates a network to bridge gaps, and a high concentration of solids work to plug the network of fibers, to enable the Losseal Max HT treatment to seal fractures up to 0.4 in [10 mm] wide. Optimized solid particle selection and size distribution result in rapid delivery of the solids for maximized plugging efficiency. Losseal Max HT treatment can be used on land or offshore rigs and can be pumped through open-ended drill pipe or through a bypass sub on the bottomhole assembly, to eliminate trip time and reduce nonproductive time. Because the Losseal Max HT treatment is highly acid soluble, it minimizes damage to the formation and impact to surface production equipment.