Wireline inline release device
Perform to maximum conveyance-system capacity with reliable contingency solutions in case of a release.
Efficient removal of wellbore debris
As a key component of ReSOLVE Family™ instrumented wireline intervention services, the active debris removal tool provides advanced cleaning performance in hostile well environments, including high-pressure, deviated, restricted-access, and sour-well conditions. Wireline deployment with precise measurements ensures targeted removal of debris without increasing bottomhole pressure. The advanced tool design provides real-time monitoring, dynamic tool control, and verified performance in well intervention operations.
A powerful downhole motor and progressing cavity pump (PCP) generate local circulation to collect settled debris—no pumping of fluid required.
Real-time downhole measurements enable more effective debris collection. Advanced diagnostics improve operational efficiency and reduce operational risks.
Advanced materials enable the active debris removal tool to operate in the most hostile environments, including highly deviated wells with sour fluids, high pressures, and high temperatures.
Built-in sensors let the engineer monitor tool activity and progress while responsively controlling the tool. A staged approach helps collect a high volume and wide variety of debris in a single run. A built-in, reversible PCP lets you switch the flow to perform high-pressure washing in the same run—making it possible to free the toolstring, unblock the bailer intake, or stir up settled debris as needed.
Overall, the footprint, cost, and accuracy of this tool provides the ideal cleanout solution for most obstructions. The ReSOLVE Family active debris removal tool and cleanout components are easily configurable with a wide variety of bailers and bottom noses to ensure the best fit based on each well’s downhole configuration. For unique applications, such as spotting acid or placing a cement plug, dedicated engineering teams can help to design, qualify, and build a customized tool.