Gas Hydrate Inhibitor Chemicals | SLB

Gas hydrate inhibitor chemicals

Using kinetic and antiagglomerant hydrate inhibitors

Photograph of a hydrate cell.

Optimize production and protect equipment

Hydrate prevention becomes more challenging as production increasingly focuses on marginal fields, deeper waters, and more hostile environments. Hydrate inhibitors help optimize production and protect equipment.

Minimize capex and environmental impact

SLB is at the forefront of industry efforts to develop low-dosage hydrate inhibitors (LDHIs), a more environmentally acceptable, capex-efficient alternative to commonly used thermodynamic inhibitors, such as methanol and glycol.

  • Kinetic hydrate inhibitors (KHIs) interfere with hydrate crystal growth or nucleation by embedding themselves into the lattice structure.
  • Antiagglomerants (AAs) prevent the agglomeration of hydrate crystals into large masses by dispersing water droplets within the condensate or oil phase.

The optimal choice of inhibitor type depends on fluid and field characteristics.

For LDHI applications, SLB provides detailed support—such as study of system conditions using phase-equilibrium modeling and advanced rocking cell equipment for testing under field conditions, including sour environments—to select the most effective treatment.

Pipe blocked by hydrate formation.
Hydrates form when water and natural gas mix at high pressures and low temperatures, leading to significant production challenges.