Brochure DeScal Descaling, Decontamination, and Decommissioning Service
Restore optimal production, address any wastestreams, and enable releasing trapped production.
Reduce corrosion risk for seawater injection, hydrotesting operations, and water treatment equipment
Corrosion due to oxygen is a major risk for seawater injection systems and hydrotesting operations. For injection systems, oxygen removal by deaeration towers is supplemented with the use of fast-acting oxygen scavengers. For hydrotesting applications, oxygen removal relies solely on the use of chemical treatments. For both applications, we provide a range of rapid-acting sulfite-based scavengers that reduce the oxygen content to extremely low values (<100 ppb).
Oxygen corrosion of water treatment equipment is also a common issue. To mitigate this risk, oxygen scavengers are commonly used. These products have dual functionality; they remove oxygen and passivate the steel surface, reducing corrosion.