Lithium | SLB


Powering the electrification boom with minimal environmental impact

SLB brand art depicting sustainable lithium production
Woman in lab wearing blue coveralls using probe on test tubes full of liquid

Demand for lithium
As the world shifts towards cleaner energy sources, the demand for critical minerals, including lithium, has been on the rise. Lithium-ion batteries are favored in consumer electronics, electric vehicles, and energy storage due to their high energy-to-mass ratio, efficiency, performance in high temperatures, and long-term energy retention.

Current supplies
Commercial lithium production primarily relies on two sources: hard rock ore and brine deposits, with hard rock mining constituting about 60% and brine extraction about 40%. Both methods pose environmental concerns: hard rock mining due to its energy-intensive and damaging processes, and brine extraction due to its slow evaporation process, extensive land use, water consumption, and solid waste generation.

Customer Support

Two women sitting in lounge chairs with their reflections showing on a blue wall behind them

We’re here to help. Talk to one of our lithium experts today.

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